Welcome to moosepay,
Online Canadian Payroll Software without limits!
MoosePay, silly name… powerful software. Sign up for a free trial and experience a new level of Canadian Payroll software performance.
By embracing cutting edge technologies and with a 20 plus year pedigree of producing payroll software in Canada, you can enjoy an easy to use, yet feature loaded payroll application that has few rivals.
But don’t take our word for it, check it out yourself…
Easy to use!
Fast, accurate and reliable!

Finally, a 100% on-line payroll that can handle advanced payroll requirements.
A new product from Classic Software Corporation. Canadian developers of payroll software since 1985!
Based of our highly successful Winledge Payroll product line. MoosePay continues the great tradition of producing high quality, easy and powerful software to look after all your payroll needs.
Just a quick highlight of some of the key features of MoosePay…
MoosePay Canadian Payroll, powerful, easy, accurate and secure.
Why not sign up now and decide if MoosePay is the solution you have been looking for?